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The materials in this site are license-free but not copyright free. All the copyrights belong to photogalleryweb.
You are free
- Remix - to adapt the work.
- Commercial - to use this work for commercial purposes.
- Without Attribution - to use without attributing the original author.
Under the following conditions
- Stand alone basis - You can not sell, license, sublicense, rent, transfer or distribute this image exactly as it is without alteration.
- Ownership - You may not claim ownership of this image in its original state.
尚、当サイトの運営のため、気に入った写真を見つけたり、写真をダウンロードされた際は Twitter や Facebook あるいはご自身のブログやサイトにてこのサイトを紹介して頂けると幸いです。
How to Submit Your Site
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